Saturday, June 19, 2010

Being a mom is not as easy as it seems...

Being a mommy is one of the biggest blessings ever…but not at first. I have to give kudos to all the moms out there that make being a mom seem easy, because it is not. I remember thinking while I was pregnant that it would be so exciting to hold my daughter in my arms, stare into her eyes, and instantly have some sort of bonding experience that would seal our relationship forever. And of course, that did finally happen, but not before having to come to terms with the fact that the calm and collective babies on television, are completely made up, or at least trained very well to stay quiet.

The first month would have to have been the hardest for me. After 28 hours of labor and finally convincing the doctor that I had had enough and that my baby did not want to come out, he opted to give me a cesarean section. Although I avoided the pain associated with a natural birthing process, I was not prepared for the pain that lay ahead.

When you have a c-section, you’re having surgery. And that surgery recovery process takes AT LEAST three or four weeks. Now imagine barely being able move (let alone walk) for that time and having to deal with being a new mom, the new changes, and a wailing needy baby. That first month was so hard for me. I struggled adapting to my new role as a mother. Barely having recovered from the loss of sleep of going into labor and being in the hospital for three days, I went home to an apartment that wasn’t full of nurses, and that wouldn’t come to me whenever I rang a bell. It was hard.

Even though at the time it didn’t seem like it was ever going to end or get better, it does, and it did. I think back to those first few weeks, and they are all really a blur. Lack of sleep really does something to you. Now everything just seems to flow so much better. My body has adapted to my daughter’s crazy sleep patterns and I just feel so much happier about life. But again, it does take a lot of adjustment and patience. And after you get through the extremely hard part, seeing your baby smile at you at 3am after waking you up because she was bored, makes it all worth while ☺

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